Published Tuesday, 29. November 2011, 00:26, Danish time.
I am currently spending quite some some time learning (proper) JavaScript. It just so happens that the web is full of really, really great and free resources for doing exactly that: teaching yourself JavaScript (JS). It’s really not surprising when you think about it, because JS runs is in the browser, and JS development is traditionally done for the web.
It often comes as a surprise to .NET- and other server or native app developers just how much the JS community “lives and breathes the web”. So this post is also intended as an easy pointer to give to colleagues and friends who want to know more. The second half of the rationale was that I was looking for all these resources anyway, so just to spit them out in a blog post was not that much extra effort.
I have found my findings to be quite fascinating. I know that I have been blown away more than a couple of times. And in this post, I have collected some of the cool stuff, I have come across.
Where to find good JavaScript & jQuery documentation
The Mozilla Developer Network (MDN) is very good. I usually just google e.g. “mdn string”, which usually will find what I need right away. MDN’s main JavaScript index is at
For jQuery, it’s just for the quick lookups. They’ve been nice and already placed the cursor in the search box, so you can just start typing once the page is loaded. Also check for reference & general documentation and /Tutorials for – well… Another good jQuery API site is; it’s fast and to-the-point.
Must-watch/read: “Javascript: The Good Parts”
One thing, you should get understanding of up front, is that there are a lot of coding practices, you should avoid in JS. Instead, you should stick with the good parts. Douglas Crockford first talked about this back in 2007. There are videos spread all over the Internet and one of YouTube’s is here. If you prefer, there is also a dead forest edition available.
Crockford’s talking about “the good parts” changed a lot of things. It made it clear, that JS had (has) a lot of nice qualities to it. And that, if you ignore certain language constructs, you can write very nice, understandable and succinct code. Even some of the most basic parts of this language are tricky, like comparing values and the usage of the “this” keyword to provide call context. Crockford shows that JS actually has more in common with functional languages, like List & Scheme, than with Java and other C-family languages (but don’t go crazy; JS doesn’t do tail call optimization).
If you prefer videos, like I do, you could stick around and watch his 8 talks on the matter – it’s more than 10 hours in total, but well worth the time. There is even more talks at the YUI Theater.
Online video-based Javascript and jQuery course
I stumbled across a very nice online video based course at They guide you through all the basic concepts in JavaScript and also in jQuery in parallel.
The videos are very good at pointing out behaviors that are specific to JavaScript, which makes it easy for you to grasp the differences from C# and other static languages.
Be sure to sign up, because then they will track your progress in a nice timeline on the page. I can also recommend to go through the exercises (click the vertical “exercise” text) AND to watch their exercise walk-through on video afterwards: there is lot’s of good knowledge there also. And their small exercise challenges will most probably trick you a couple of times, if you are new to the language. They tricked me for sure.
Play with code on any PC using the browser
It’s so easy to try out JS code. In most modern browsers you just hit F12 (on Windows) to enter the browser’s developer tools, choose the Console and start typing JS. This way, you can easily run code in the context of the current page to test out functions you built. But you can also write unrelated code and execute it. I can recommend spending an hour on the introduction to Google Chrome Developer Tools from Google I/O 2011; they show a lot of stuff, you would normally need an IDE, a debugger and a protocol analyzer to do.
Or just go to the address line in the browser and enter “javascript:”, followed by a code statement.
All in all: there is no need for a sophisticated development tool just to try out some code.
Online workbenches & storage for code snippets
If you want to go a step further, there is plenty of good apps online. In general, they are free and directly accessible – with no credit card or private life secrets needed. Here are my favorites:
JSFIDDLE is a fun little online playground. It’s sort of an interactive IDE and your fiddles (code snippets) can include both HTML, CSS and JS, with a quarter of the screen for each and the last quarter available for running your code and viewing the result. Like in the browser console, you can run your code with ctrl+enter. You can create an account and keep all your snippets saved there. JSFiddle also allows you to embed working snippets in your own page, like this:
Direct link is: I noticed some good examples of using in-page fiddles to on Steve Sanderson’s blog and on the KnockMeOut blog.
JS Bin is a bit simpler, but clearly of the same breed. The screen is divided in JS and HTML, with a nice option to show a real-time preview. You can’t create an account, but instead save your code snippet without any further fuzz; the first time you get a short URL, the next time it just adds a version number. You can render/run your code using ctrl+enter, if you’re not using real-time preview. Try my little example here: Another nice one. It’s a friendly, very low friction editor page with a REPL on it. Saving snippets works the same way as with JS Bin. Try out my little example here: (click the play button to is currently missing a keyboard shortcut for running the code in the left hand editor pane, but on the other hand, the whole point of a REPL is that you work in the command line and here you just hit enter to run your statement or write multi-line statements using shift+enter. Well, I miss it anyway (and wrote to them about it).
Interestingly, supports several languages and everything is executed directly in the browser – some of them (like CoffeeScript) are originally implemented in JavaScript, while others (like Python) were compiled from their original C implementations to JS instead of binary files using the Emscripten compiler.
Test your ability to handle the “bad parts”
If you are the type that learns through solving riddles, the Perfection Kills blog have a good challenge for you in the form of an online JavaScript quiz. It exposes all the ugly gotchas. Some are just so tricky, that you will laugh, cry and swear at the same time.
Take your second “exam” passing JavaScript Koans
“Koans” is a concept from the Ruby world, which is highly test driven. The concept is simple and brilliant: a smart programmer creates a good little set of failing unit tests and then you learn the language by making the tests pass one at a time. The term kōan was taken from Zen Buddhism.
Most links seems to go to these two: and Both must be downloaded and run locally. Or exercised in an online IDE, like Cloud9.
Examples of interactive learning sites
Steve Sanderson has created a very nice site for learning KnockoutJS MVVM online. It’s at All libraries should have a site like that.
Codecademy – at – for learning JS from scratch (so far). They are only a few months old and there is not a lot up there yet, but the concept looks very promising.
Finally John Resig has a small Learning Advanced JavaScript tutorial meant to accompany his book Secrets of the JavaScript Ninja. Seems to be fun to play around with, even without the book. Anyway, the book looks like an interesting read, so one probably end up wanting the book to accompany those tutorials...
And then there is node.js, CoffeeScript, Tame.js, and…
Here are a few more examples, which I’m researching on as well:
- jasmine – at – BDD/TDD test runner for JS. We use this at work. It’s just amazing how much faster JS tests are running compared the usual C# stuff; milliseconds is the norm for hundreds of tests – without compiling and warming up …
- QUnit – at – is another well respected test runner. It’s the one used in the jQuery project.
- node.js – at – an event-based, asynchronous server framework for writing web servers (and other kinds of servers) in JS, executed by V8 (and written in C itself). Video hint: the second video linked on the front page is the best. A good guess is that this little thing will change the way web devs work fairly quickly…
- CoffeeScript – at – a new programming language built on top of JavaScript. The language is an attempt to weed out all of the bad parts in JS. It also gets rid of a lot of the C-like fluff in JS, like semicolons; (parentheses) and {curly brackets}. And it adds a bit of difficulty to debugging, because you have to debug the JS it’s compiled into – not the CoffeeScript code itself. You can run CoffeeScript directly in the browser – directly on the home page (click “Try CoffeeScript” in the head). There is a good tutorial at
- tame.js – at – a nice little JavaScript extension, that eases up async programming by adding an async/defer constructs to JS. It’s a testament to the power of JS’ dynamic nature that this is done right now. No need to wait for a new compiler, like you have to for C#5’s async/await features. The trade-off is the same as for CoffeeScript: it’s based on a pre-compiler, so all debugging must be done against the JS it’s compiled into. Tame.js seems to be a good match for node.js. When I find time for this, I think I will also have to look at caolan’s async library…
And then there is just Soooooooooo much more out there…