Published Tuesday, 2. November 2010, 08:09, Danish time.

Web technology has a lot of constraints and a lot of domain specific “laws of nature” that you must obey, if you want success with your web solutions. I think of these laws of nature as “domain laws” in lack of a better term. The web can be pretty unforgiving, if you don’t take these laws into careful consideration when you design you web app solution.

It takes time to learn these domain laws. For me, it has taken a lots of fighting, creativity and stubbornness, to crack the nuts along the way. And a lot of the learning was done the hard way – by watching apps, logic and naïve design fail when exposed to the sheer power and brutality of the web.

It can be very hard to identify these domain laws. Often it’s an uphill struggle. Lots of technology people will fight for your attention in order to be able to sell their products and services to you – be that web software, operating systems, consulting services or simple platform religion. They would rather prefer you to focus on their product than to understand the domain and get critical. The assumption is of course that a sound web technology will work with the domain laws of the web, saving you from spending time on all this. But the reality is that most products have an old core technology, a wrong design and/or that they lag seriously behind in one or more areas. – Once you have a lot of customers and a big installed base, you don’t rewrite the core of your product – even when the world has moved and you really aught to. That’s just how the mechanics of this works.

This is not to say that you won’t benefit from going with a certain technology or to say they can’t have good things going for them, but just that every product usually has serious quirks in one or more areas, and that these quirks often are tedious to a degree, where it doesn’t pay off to go beyond what the specific technology is good at and meant for.

In my mind this aspect is more important in web apps than in most other kinds of software solutions and the problem here is that web applications are very hard to get right. There are so many factors that work in opposite directions, that getting it right to a large degree is about doing it as simple as you can, by choosing functionality that you can live without and then down-prioritize that in order to have a chance to get all the important functionality right. Or if you prefer it the other way: identify what is really important – and then focus intensely on getting that right.

But even when you focus intensely on choosing the right solutions, there are lots of tradeoffs you have to make. You often have to choose between two evils. Hence, some good discussions on pros and cons are very beneficial, in my mind.

What’s a Web App?

Let’s first limit the scope: in this series,I will only be discussing “web applications”. I define web apps as web sites that are more than just hypertext (text and links) and simple interaction. A good example of a hypertext site is Wikipedia. Hypertext sites are what the web was originally made for – and web technology still work beautifully for these purposes.

Web Apps are also web sites that it doesn’t always make sense to index by search engines. Examples of these are web based image editors, your personal webmail, a web based stock trading app and lots more. In fact, anything personal or personally customized. (- Not that you don’t want search capabilities in these apps, of course.)

Then there are web sites like Facebook, Flickr or Delicious that are somewhere in between hypertext sites and what I define as web apps. For these, search engine indexing and links from and to the outside makes a lot of sense, but at the same time they definitely offer a customized experience for the user. They work fine as quick-in, quick-out sites, but they are not really tools you can use 40 hours a week. Flickr is not Photoshop. Another attribute is that these sites usually feature some kind of publishing process: the user prepares content for the public web and publishes it afterwards. Making content available on the web usually plays a big role in these solutions.

As a contrast “a real app” often doesn’t have that. It is much more concerned about delivering a highly optimized flow for the work, the user uses it for. Think of an accounting app, a development tool or a CRM system – in these the user delivers work and the more they can be customized, the better. With regards to search indexing, it doesn’t make much sense to index a development tool – indexing the programming code and the built-in help system makes sense. But not the rest.

Who is this for?

This content is in the category of articles I never found on the net, when I needed them myself. Maybe it was just me that didn’t know what to search for back then – or maybe it’s just not out there. Anyway: very soon my version will be here.

I figure and hope these posts will benefit other developers that are new to web apps but might be experienced in other areas of software development.

I call the series for a “domain analysis” because I will try to gather all thing web development in one place. The posts will be about both the aforementioned domain laws, the do’s and don't’s in web development and architecture and about the really ugly gotchas, that you can run into in web app development. But I will only include things that I think are very important to know.

Originally I planned for this series to be a single all-in-one post, but when I started writing this thing, it just kept on growing on me. So I decided to split it up into multiple parts. This also makes it easier for me to spend a little more time on each part, while still being easy on myself and not getting all stressed out about it.

Post index and links to posts

I will update this index and it's links, as I get the parts completed.

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